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Hello! If you tried A Spooky Teaparty, please, leave a post with some information below. Did you enjoy it? Did you find glitches/bugs or problems? Do you think it would have been better in any way? Where there any strong/weak points that you noticed? It’s your reports and information that help the development of our next games!
Hope you enjoyed the game!
Inactive01/11/2019 at 02:50Post count: 23What a lovely Halloween treat! And Rover is still a ‘legend in his own mind.’ 🙂
Inactive02/11/2019 at 14:11Post count: 23I love the interaction between Rover and Summer. 🙂
So… I’m looking for all the secret rooms and was searching in the Haunted Castle. I found I could enter the black perimeter of the entry room. It didn’t lead to a secret room, but I’m wondering if it’s by design. To enter the blackness, take a few steps into the entry room, take a right and go to the square table and square stool. Travel south at the stool, as in you’ll travel right through the stool into the blackness. You can exit the blackness at the same stool spot.If you liked the banter between Rover and Summer… wait for their next game (which is 60% done at this point)! It’s going to be super fun!
Entering the void in the haunted castle is a tile passability oversight from me! I’ll fix it in the next update. There’s also a problem before fighting Slug-o-boar, when you get the choice to fight or wait. By choosing wait, the game freezes. So, watch out for that until the update is released.Thank you for the bug report! It really helps.
Inactive03/11/2019 at 00:06Post count: 23Another bug report and this one is consequential. Otherworld Castle- go to the last floor with enemies, the one that leads to the floor with the central stairs to the top. Use the stairs to climb to that floor with the central stairs, then try to use the stairs back down again. You get caught in a wall and can’t move. So you’ll need to use a teleport scroll to return to the castle. There’s no other way. That transfer needs to be fixed.
The second time you try to enter Secret Room #7, you’re brought to Secret Room #6 instead. This does bypass the stair problem, but seems to be a glitch, especially if you exit the room before obtaining the prize.
Inactive03/11/2019 at 00:56Post count: 23Loved the game! It was short but lots of fun. Rover and Summer had a real chemistry. I wish the characters of Britton and Marina had been fleshed out a bit more. Seeing Dr. Gertrude again was a pleasant surprise. Can’t wait for the next game. Same 4 characters?
This was supposed to be a 4hour completely compact and fun game in all aspects: battle, exploration, characters, loot, graphics and atmosphere. I hope you got at least those 4 hours, LadyJJ! The characters of Rover and Summer do mix well together, I agree! Britton and Marina had their moments. However, since it was Britton and Marina who had the majority of the spotlight in Aplestia, I chose to emphasize on Rover and Summer more. Doctor Gertrude… well, she is who she is. I wouldn’t even dare to comment on her character… it’s out of my reach!
Next game is going to be a long one, where we will learn more about the Otherworld, the demons and some other characters’ origins. It’s going to take place in the same world as The Deal and Aplestia, but several thousands of years back. It’s going to have “The First Deal” (or something along those lines) in its name. After that game, Rover and his gang are going to have another crazy adventure… a bigger one than A Spooky Teaparty and definitely a more important one. To sum it up: expect two big games to be released in the following months.
A Spooky Teaparty’s fixes are currently being uploaded. Many thanks for the bug catching. I was rushing it a bit, so that it would be released on Halloween day.
EDIT: New version 1.0.2 is currently up, fixing the two wrong transfers in the Otherworld tower.
Inactive03/11/2019 at 16:23Post count: 23I finished in a little over 8 hours got 100% rating. It was definitely a fun game to play. Looking forward to what the next couple of months bring. 🙂
I am very happy you enjoyed the game! Even if some spots were difficult to find out or easy to miss, I hope that those spots did not ruin the fun at any moment!
When A Spooky Teaparty gets released on aldorlea, I think I will write some Adventurer Notes, like the ones I had for The Prophecy Lies, to help new players, who do not frequent the forums, to have an easier time finding everything.
Thank you both for the support and for trying to 100% the game! And thanks to everybody, who may not post on the forums, but supported the game studio with their purchases and nice e-mails! You all rock!
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