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(07 July 2020) version 1.0.8: This update fixes: A] Wrong transfer event about Secret Room #4. B] Nerfing of Ekino Catacombs Bosses and later ones. C] Addition of arrows for the books and chest inside the house on the Seacoast. D] Maybe problems about the random encounters in Crysalis maze were fixed. Please, update to this version to avoid any problems on any of your playthroughs.
(05 July 2020) version 1.0.7: This quick update fixes two errors. A] Secret Room #1 in Keithe Castle dungeons was not revisitable after recruiting Karul and, thus, a player who missed that secret room could not return to that place. Now, it’s fixed. B] Visual glitch would not move the “Mysterious Diary” quest to the completed section of the Quest Log. However, the game did count the quest as completed correctly! Now, it’s fixed and the quest normally moves to the completed section.
(04 July 2020) version 1.0.6: A] Botanist Guild and Miners’ Club Association doors now open and work properly. B] A wording mistake on the Botanist Guild was fixed.
(02 July 2020) version 1.0.5: A] Loper’s quest dialog was fixed with the correct directions for Filly Cave. B] Kalina’s dialog was fixed with better directions for Diego’s home. C] Last person in Wishing Quest, now, accepts the item they want, regardless of whether you defeated the last boss or not.
(29 June 2020) version 1.0.4: A] Fixed a Secret Invisible Potion issue, which would consume two of these potions for a level up instead of one. B] A small graphical issue in Gargonda Cave 1 was fixed
(18 June 2020) version 1.0.3: Fixed a wrong position of a gold tile in Quetzalcoatl Cave. Fixed a tile of Ekino Town on the overworld. Added hint about the switch in Gargonda Cave. Added more information about the Void Vines and the Purification Infusion in Dothe Town’s houses. Game Notes has been updated with information about all three energizing utility infusions, how they work and where and how to find them.
(15 June 2020) version 1.0.2: Added a file that is important for the game to run. Please, update to the newest version as soon as possible.
(14 June 2020) version 1.0.1: A] fixed a major issue with the game trying to load an audio file. Some pcs could not read the file name properly. B] a small tile shadow was missing from Filly Cavern outside.Anonymous
Inactive14/06/2020 at 10:34Post count: 4Hi,
I have encountered that error. Will uninstalling and reinstalling the game get rid of my saved progress?
AlexHello! This never happens with my games. Saved progress files remain intact, in a hidden folder in your computer. These files are not affected by uninstalling or reinstalling! Be sure to have saved in a time where you hadn’t encountered the error, because after encountering the error and then saving, could continue carrying this issue even in the new version.
If you saved after experiencing this error, you could try and see if reinstalling helps. If the issue persists, then I believe you will need to restart with a New Game.
But, please, go on ahead and try the new version and tell me how it goes!
Inactive14/06/2020 at 21:28Post count: 4Hi,
I went into my account and re-downloaded the game from the downloads area. That still produces the same error, probably because that is the original download file?
How do I get to do a new download without purchasing the game again?
AlexHello, Alex! The file is the new version of the game. It just seems that you saved your progress after getting the error message. Most likely that means that that save file got corrupted. At least you only finished the first dungeon (the castle dungeon), right? However, I resent you the invoice for your order, just in case. Please, redownload the file from there and be sure to have first uninstalled the game, before reinstalling.
If the error persists, you will have to start a new game due to the corrupted save file, unfortunately. I am so sorry for this issue and for not being of more help.Anonymous
Inactive15/06/2020 at 03:03Post count: 4Thank you I will try that. 🙂
I am 4 hours in to the game and received the error message – how do I get the new file to reinstall?
Hi sandie! If are receiving error messages from the moment you went in Dothe Swamp, I have released a new version of the game. Just uninstall your current version of the game, redownload from the link you received when purchased the game and install.
If you have a different problem, please give me more information so that I can help. Key questions: What, where, when, how the issue appears?
Inactive15/06/2020 at 04:39Post count: 4Hi,
The fix has worked for the world map, but the same loading error still happens in Dothe Swamp.
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