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Inactive03/03/2019 at 02:14Post count: 6Excellent game. slow start, but Orfeas does not disappoint. The quest journal is a work of mastery. I have been playing for 5 hours . plenty of battles, and things to do. I have only done up to the family crest quest about 5 in total. now back to the prophecy!!!
Alright, uploading the new version 1.0.1 for The Prophecy Lies! fixing the game freezing after the water temple crystal.
This bug appears ONLY if you finish the Family Heirloom quest before interacting with the crystal. That means, that if you first complete the Ancient Water Temple and THEN complete the Family Heirloom quest, no bug will appear. Regardless, since players may want to finish the quest first and then go for the crystal, we are updating the game. I will inform everyone here and with a blog post whenever the new version is up.
If you are past the anciet water temple, this version will not update anything for you and you can continue without any problems.This was more of an oversight that an “actual” bug. Apologies for the inconvenience are in order.
(It will take around 30 minutes for the new version of the game to be uploaded on BMTMicro and on the site’s internal store, too.)
Inactive03/03/2019 at 19:29Post count: 5Amazing game as always. I agree with @dad33. Very nice gameplay and story. I played it on Normal mode and it took me approximately 10hours+ I will def play it on Nightmare mode to check the difference. Nice characters, beatutiful mapping and very pleasant music. Cooking was really helpful and the quest log makes it easier to keep everything on track. Overall very good game for a very good price compared to other rpg games. Def made my weekend 🙂 Good Job
Excellent game as always..Loving it! Cant find the flower for monestary going back in . keep up good work
Inactive06/03/2019 at 12:42Post count: 23I’ve loved all the prior Orfeas games and this is no exception. The interactions of the characters and the storyline itself are just so compelling, so much more than just hack-n-slash. I’ve just completed the Wind Temple, so still have a ways to go before completion, which is just fine with me as I want to play this game for hours! 🙂
Inactive07/03/2019 at 19:40Post count: 23I’m playing on normal right now. I finished the game, but I hadn’t done all the side quests, so I ‘m playing from just before the final battle. I have 15 side quests done, 2 are incomplete. I’ve only found 2 of the vortexes (Xuvrur and Zuthid). I’m still looking for the other 2 (Chaizzyss and Zuthid). I also missed Secret Room #8 and I’m retracing trying to find that room. I’m hoping it has the same telltale landmark the other 9 had so I don’t have to keep banging against every wall I see. 🙂 After the first 3, I noticed I was writing down “just below the ….” and sure enough, the others, with the exception of #8, were very easy to find. I’m pretty sure I removed the energy from one of the statue pairs and didn’t find that door when I retraced to the entry, so I’m hoping to find that one. I think it was the Fire Temple. I may have to restore an earlier game and find the energized statue again to know its location. I also have chests that don’t open (emerald chest in the Monastery Dungeon and ruby chest in the Witch’s Mansion) and keys that I haven’t found the corresponding chests for (sapphire key and topaz key) so I’m looking for those chests as I backtrack as well. Other than that, I’m busy talking to all the people in the towns, seeing who would be interested in moving to Morningstead and maybe triggering new quests.
Found some weapons, the ones I’m using at the moment are
Darius: Ichor, Victor of Light (Epic)
Adriana: Archpriestess’ Gloves (Rare), have also found a few more rare
Helena: Crystallic Metalhead (Epic)
Chaaz: Volcanic Rockfists (Rare), have also found a few more rareAre the legendary weapons the ones categorized as Epic? Looks like I have a few more to find, which is A-OK with me! I don’t want this game to end. 🙂
Loving this game. The ending was a little different than what I expected, but satisfying nonetheless. The final cutscene seems to indicate that there will be another chapter involving one of the other 4 villains. Is this the plan?
Okay, there are vortexes, chests, keys, and quests to find. I’m off! So nice to be active here again. <3
Edit: Aha! Found my first Legendary Weapon: Drakus, Fists of Fury and since I’ve just spotted another vortex, I’m off for more adventuring!
Congrats on your first Legendary Weapon! The secret room #8 is very tricky, since it’s in a very… bright, yet secretive level. You may need some exta more steps to find this level! Good job on spotting the visual cue for the secret rooms – they all have the exact same cue, so there is no reason for anyone to start bumping randomly on walls! I am really happy you’re enjoying this game, since it’s a experimental, hybrid project; we mixed The Deal’s openness and Aplestia’s compactness to create it! Now, about the ending… let’s just say that we are leaving it a bit open to a small possibility for a new chapter!
Inactive08/03/2019 at 00:37Post count: 23Okay, I now have my second legendary weapon-Magissa, Mallet of Magic. Hmmm… thanks for the hint regarding secret room #8. Let me go find my prescription sunglasses and see what I can uncover. 🙂
Inactive09/03/2019 at 05:20Post count: 23The secret chamber #8 was like a game within a game! So much fun! I wish I had found it earlier in the game as it was intended since I could probably have gotten better battle loot. I do now have 4 legendary weapons, the latest 2 being Oath of Waves and Mercy, Soul of Titans. I also managed to find and destroy the four vortexes and got some nice armor in the process. My quest log says I’ve completed 17 side quests, so I’m assuming I’ve missed 3. I have
Chambers of secrets
Panom’Arahian Magical Vortexes
Vertaxo Ancient Ruins
Witching issues
The Krino Flower
Nature’s Power Crystals
Jilly Button Flowers
The Strange Mage
Electricity’s Power Crystals
Cave Patrol
Mining Supplies
Fishing net repairs
Earth Power Crystals
Defeat the well monsters
Find the pages
Item Delivery
Cook in the makingAre there others?
The librarian told me to come back after my Lorebook had 7 pages, but when I returned with 6, she said there were 7 and rewarded me. She recognized that I had 5 when I first met up with her, then I found the page about the forest , returned, and she rewarded me for 7. This doesn’t show up as a side quest in the Quest Log.
Such a fun game! Thanks for creating it. 🙂
Yeah, the Lore ghost is a bit glitchy, since it doesn’t count all lorebook pages all the time… I really need to look into that more.
Now, the “visible” side quests, meaning those that appear in the quest log, are 17 in total (you have all of them). Of course, there are some hidden ones like *whatever* happens in the ghost library, the four legendary weapons and the illuminous mushroom forest which is essential to complete the secret rooms side quest. The hidden quests push the total amount of side quests to 22. I think you did everything, LadyJJ! Congratulations!
Inactive10/03/2019 at 21:56Post count: 23Even if you have the Ruby key, you can’t open the Ruby chest in the witch’s mansion until the forest has been illuminated. Glitch or by design? Also, in the colored key/gates section of the Fire Temple, there is an item which shows as a purplish double music note (at least that’s what it looks like to me) but no text to indicate what it is. I think it’s behind the red gate, not sure. I tried to compare my items to what I had previously and what I had after but couldn’t see any difference. It occurred to me after that it might be the yellow key, but I had already saved over that spot.
Nothing game stopping by any means, but if you ever do an update, you might look into these.
Alright, everything has been fixed! I will be uploading an update shortly! Thank you very much for the feedback, LadyJJ.
The Ruby chest should open regardless of the illuminated mushroom status and that icon in the Fire Temple was… a missclick actually! And, for the record, it was indeed the yellow key – you do get it, but it shows you this icon instead. Thanks, again!
Inactive13/03/2019 at 16:55Post count: 6Finish game in hard mode. Excellent and imaginative game. The only tough area was the vortis world, I had missed three sections, so I was not strong enough for it . I lost many battles and won a lot with just one character still alive. I kept going because I thought this was the end of the game . I went back, to a previous save, and did the sections I had missed . I have found the drakus ,ichor and magissa, so I am missing one legendary item. I was unable to find chaizzyss.
Will now start a new game, possibly in nightmare level. Hope to fine missing parts, and be a better warrior.
Inactive13/03/2019 at 18:19Post count: 23Ichor is epic, not legendary, so you’re actually missing 2 legendary items. You should be able to find Chaizzyss in an area you explored prior to receiving the Wind V skill. Did you find all the secret rooms? How are you finding nighmare mode?
Inactive14/03/2019 at 14:32Post count: 6I will be playing in hard mode. I did feel that I had done a good job in hard mode. I missed to many things, though I found all the rooms. I have to learn more about cooking and the combat system of Chaazs.
Inactive14/03/2019 at 18:51Post count: 23I thought I would try nightmare mode, at least until the first hard battle just to see the difference. Normal was a bit too easy, maybe, like Goldilocks, I’ll find nightmare too hard and finally settle on hard. 🙂
Hope you discover all the secrets this time. Good luck.
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