A new version for our game The Prophecy Lies! is up. We fixed a lot of stuff and corrected a ton of typos and misspellings. In more detail:

A] Over 50 words and typos have been corrected throughout the game.

B] A game-breaking bug with Amulaak’s statue below the monastery has been fixed.

C] Some Item and Weapon descriptions have been fixed.

D] Some graphical and passability glitches have been fixed.

Special thanks to user Euphoniac for the bug report he sent us! His e-mail allowed us to fix most of the aforementioned things! We hope that The Prophecy Lies! became more of a stable and smooth experience now.

This version is highly recommended, since it fixes passability in some areas and a game-breaking bug. Please, update your game before you continue playing to avoid any issues!